
Chronic Care Management (CCM)

Chronic Care Management (CCM), is a Medicare program that enables doctors to extend the reach of their care outside of the office.

Services can be administered to patients with two or more qualifying conditions, by way of tele-medicine.

Chronic conditions can be debilitating, but we are here to manage them properly. CCM services provide them the personal care that they deserve, by connecting your patients with our team of specialists.

Our specialists will work directly with your patients on your behalf to:

  • Create personalized health plans
  • Monitor adherence to health plans
  • Manage patient referrals
  • Supervise medication usage

Each patient will have a designated care specialist, that will work with your patient to develop a specific health plan.

Health plans are tailored to each individual, considering the patients physical, cognitive, and personal needs.

CCM services act as an extension of you, by providing these teleservices on behalf of your practice.

Our care specialists are available for contact at any time, so rest assured knowing your patient has access to the support that they need.

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM)

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM), allow health care providers to connect with patients on a deeper level. Monitoring devices are used for logging patient readings, ensuring timely testing, and transmitting an alert to the doctor if need be. RPM devices allow the health care professional to craft personalized plans that are adaptive to the ongoing situation, enabling stronger outcomes.

Connect with us today to learn more about how your practice can leverage RPM to:

  • Establish unparalleled insight
  • Ensure timely patient monitoring
  • Instantly alert on readings if needed
  • Access patient data to revise health plans
  • Reduce rates of hospitalization

Blood Pressure

  • Cellular connectivity with no apps, syncing, pairing, or uploading of results
  • Lightweight design with a large-screen display
  • Simple, one-button operation
  • Excessive body motion detection for more accurate results
  • Adjustable cuff size

Blood Glucose Meter

  • Reliable and immediate cellular transmission of BG readings
  • Out-of-the-box ready for patients of all ages
  • Industry standard clinical features for professional outcomes
  • Unlimited test strips with Smart Start program
  • Custom programs available for research, gestational diabetes and employee groups


  • Cellular connectivity provides instant transmission of data
  • 30% Larger than standard scales to provide more accurate readings
  • 4″ LCD readout making measurements more visible
  • Non-slip surface provides more safety
  • Can measure up to 551 pounds
  • Can store up to 100 readings

Devices we use


  • HeartRate
  • ActiveMinutes
  • RespiratoryRate
  • SkinTemperature
  • Sleep

BioIntelliSense BioSticker

  • HeartRate
  • ActiveMinutes
  • RespiratoryRate
  • SevereCoughEpisodes
  • SkinTemperature
  • Sleep

Accu-Chek Guide Glucose Meter

  • Glucose

BodyTrace BP Monitor BT104/BT105

  • BloodPressure
  • HeartRate

BodyTrace Scale BT004/BT005

  • Weight

ChoiceMMed Pulse Oximeter MD300C208

  • HeartRate
  • OxygenSaturation

ChoiceMMed Pulse Oximeter MD300CI218

  • HeartRate
  • OxygenSaturation

CVS Health Advanced Glucose Meter

  • Glucose

Indie Health OhCare Lite Glucose Meter BLE 51-100

  • Glucose

Indie Health Smart BP Monitor IH-51-1490-BT

  • BloodPressure
  • HeartRate

Indie Health Smart Weight Scale 51-102

  • Weight


  • Weight
  • Glucose
  • BodyTemperature
  • BloodPressure
  • HeartRate
  • OxygenSaturation
  • RespiratoryRate
  • ECG
  • Pain

OMRON Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor BP6350

  • BloodPressure
  • HeartRate

ReliOn Premier BLU

  • Glucose

Smart Meter iBloodPressure BP Monitor

  • BloodPressure
  • HeartRate

Smart Meter iGlucose Blood Glucose Meter

  • Glucose

Smart Meter iPulseOx

  • OxygenSaturation
  • HeartRate

Smart Meter iScale

  • Weight

Telli Health 4G Blood Pressure Monitor

  • BloodPressure
  • HeartRate

Telli Health Glucometer

  • Glucose


  • HeartRate
  • RespiratoryRate
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